PSA Airlines

Pilots with Part 135 Time


Pilots with Part 135 time!

PSA invites Pilots with Part 135 time to apply to our Absolute Best Pilot Program and start earning transformative industry pay and have superior quality of life benefits. 


Qualifications to apply include:

  • Time being considered must have been flown as Pilot In Command (PIC)
  • Time being considered must be operated under a 135-operation certificate
  • Aircraft must be turbine powered
  • Aircraft must be over 12,500 pounds
  • Pilot must have operated with an ATP Certification for time to be considered
  • Aircraft must be configured for 10 or more seats


Our Pilot Recruiting Team is hosting Virtual Information Sessions for Part 135 Pilots who would like to learn more about our program every Monday beginning Oct. 17. 

Register Here

Apply today to make PSA your career destination.

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Transformative industry pay. Unmatched quality of life benefits. Unrivaled career trajectory.


Airline Apps, Inc.

11175 Cicero Dr.  |  Alpharetta, GA 30022

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